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OMG! Did You Just Get a Red Light Ticket?

You tried to race through and beat a yellow light, but a cop saw you do it and now you have a ticket you have to deal with. It just went from an LOL to an OMG moment. Traffic tickets generated by running a red light come in two basic types-red light ticket camera violations and those in which a cop pulls a driver over for running through a red light. Both come with serious fines that can cost several hundred dollars, depending on where you live, the time of day, and other various circumstances surrounding the violation.

Running red lights is dangerous, and our advice here at Service King NW Dallas/I-35 in Dallas, TX is to slow down in general and don't speed through yellow lights.

In most parts of the country, a red light ticket is considered an infraction, meaning that the offender won't ever go to jail after receiving a red light ticket. Many problems happen when people don't pay their red light ticket, which leads to further fines and penalties that can impact your driving record and multiple unpaid infractions that can eventually lead to misdemeanor charges and possible jail time.

Traffic Schools and Violation Costs

The cost of running through a red traffic light varies significantly from one jurisdiction to another, and fines can range from $50 to more than $500. In addition, running a red light will add points to your driving record at the DMV. The majority of red light violations add only one point, but if a driver hasn't had another conviction within a specified number of months, that one point can be removed if the driver chooses to attend traffic school.

Many people opt to attend traffic school rather than simply paying off the red light ticket. In most instances, the court will charge additional administrative costs to drivers that attend traffic school, and the school charges a fee for the class as well.

Paying a Red Light Ticket

Paying a red light traffic ticket is simple. In most states, you can mail a check or money order into the court address printed on the citation, access the courthouse's website and pay online, or simply make a payment over the phone. Credit cards, bank cards, checks, and money orders are usually all accepted as payment. If you decide to pay in cash, you'll need to make a personal visit to the courthouse that has issued the ticket.  If you can't pay the entire amount all at once, you can possibly arrange a payment schedule.

Service King NW Dallas/I-35 in Dallas, TX 75229 

Sources: YouTube and MSN

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