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Do Speed Cameras Keep Our School Zones Safe?

In many cities throughout the country, school districts are demanding school zone speed cameras, in order to catch speeders and those who drive in an unsafe manner in a school zone. At Service King Southwest Plano, we want to use today's technology to make our lives better and by making our school age children safer while going to and from school in Plano, TX and nationwide, we're all for it!

Speed cameras may prevent accidents in school zones, but what they are actually designed for is to catch people after they have broken the law. So, here are some helpful common sense tips on how to drive safely in school zones.

The majority of school zones in the United States have speed limits of 20 mph or less without only a few exceptions. Many studies have shown that 5%  of all pedestrians hit by a car at 20 mph will suffer a fatality. This number increases to 45% when victims are hit by a vehicle

traveling at approximately 30 mph, and to 80% for a pedestrian who is struck by a car traveling at 40 mph.  At 20 mph, it takes a standard car 69 feet to come to a complete stop, and nearly double that distance, at 123 feet at 30 mph, according to AAA.

Distracted driving in school zones is another problem. Talking on your cell phone has is well known for reducing reaction time. Looking away for just two seconds will double your chances of getting into an accident. Texting while operating a vehicle has been shown to be as perilous as driving drunk and doing it in a school zone is even more reckless.

One helpful tip for driving in general is always make eye contact with pedestrians and presume that they haven't seen you yet and are likely proceeding on the same path.

Another suggestion is to always wait your turn whenever you're in close proximity to school buses. It's unlawful in all 50 states to pass a bus on undivided streets if the car is stopped to load and unload children.

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), most children who perish in bus-related accidents are pedestrians between the ages 4-7 who are hit by a bus or by cars who are illegally passing the school bus.

If you can drive a little more safely in a school zone, you'll be able to sleep better at night, knowing that you're a responsible member of your community. If we all work together to make a safer tomorrow, we can all win.

Sources: AAA, CSAA and NSC

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