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Five Cool Car Innovations that Keep Evolving

Our cars today are amazing creations with a huge amount of cutting-edge technology from their back bumper to the front tip of the hood! At Service King Broadway in San Antonio, TX, we chose five of what we believe are the coolest out there.

  1. Voice Commands: High on our list of innovations is the introduction of Siri-like personal assistant devices. You’re already able to interact with some cars through voice commands, but this technology is exploding even more. Here’s one scenario to ponder: You’re driving around and looking for a parking space without any luck. With this technology, you’ll have to do is say “Find parking,” and your car will navigate promptly you to the closest, least expensive, safest garage, based on your programmed preferences, and then pay the fee with your credit card.
  2. Self-Diagnosis:  Vehicles will be able to diagnose their own mechanical problems more than already do. If it’s a software fix that’s required, you’ll need to get an upgrade. Or if you need to take the vehicle to a mechanical tech, the car will research the options and book itself for a service appointment. It will even be able to renew its own insurance and look for better deals, too.
  3. 3D Cars: Using 3D printing technology, Arizona-based Local Motors is printing cars. They work with some pre-determined engine types and 3D print vehicles on top of those engines. You can browse and select features from different automobiles to create your very own. That means that we will see all kinds of interesting-looking vehicles on the street, although they won’t be cheap, to say the least.
  4. Brain-Wave Technology: Many collisions could be avoided if the driver had swerved or braked just a little bit faster. If the carmaker Nissan has its way, brain-wave technology will make that possible extremely soon. By detecting when a driver is about to perform a driving function, brain-to-vehicle technology could speed up the process by up to a millisecond in many cases.
  5. Shared Self-Driving Cars: Autonomous vehicles are already here to stay and doing very well in safety tests. Experts say that people will be able to share these vehicles. Think about it--cars today sit unused 80% of the time. If the car is a self-driver, it will offer an ideal opportunity for people to co-own it and pay simply for the portion of the car that they utilize. It would be perfect for younger people who may not be able to afford their own vehicles, as well as for people with disabilities who are not able to drive or older people who may need to stop driving.

Service King Broadway in San Antonio, TX 78217 

Sources: USA Today and AOL


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