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We Work With All Insurance Companies... DRP'S & Non-DRP'S

We Work with All Insurance Companies

 Image result for insurance adjusters and body shops pictures   DRP's  &  Non- DRP"S  Insurance Companies


Shop of Choice  vs.  Insurance Company DRP

Choice of Shop means that you are selecting where you want your car repaired and you are not taking the Insurance Companies Referral Recomendations.

By doing this, you and the Collision Repair Facility will have to wait for an adjuster to go to the shop and see the damages and go over the damages with the shop's personnel.

Insurance Company DRP means, that by a prearranged agreement between the shop and the Insurance Company, the shop can start on the repairs immediately.

 Both DRP  &  Non-DRP situations still need the Owner's Approval to work on the vehicle according to State Regulations.

DRP arrangements are a little quicker than Non-DRP arrangements,  but both should have the same effect on the Quality of Repairs that you receive.

Always remember that you have the protections of the State's Consumer Laws.